Take an Armchair Tour of Our Borders

Let us lead you down the path of our Rose Garden where June ushered in a truly stunning display of Roses along with some of their preferred companions including Salvias, Nepetas, and Alliums. As many of these plants continue to flower, the fragrance is as intoxicating as the sight of all the blooms. A Sampling of Plants to Achieve This Look Rose Easy Elegance® Yellow Submarine Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ A few steps beyond the White Flower Farm Store, the farm’s Shade Garden is a cooling oasis that mixes diverse colors, textures, and forms to animate a border…

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Preplanned Gardens

How to Choose a Preplanned Garden

One of the qualities that distinguishes great gardens from those created by amateurs or novices is the way in which plants are combined. Because both science and art are involved, and because not everyone has the time or inclination for…

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Lessons from the Lloyd Border

When WWII veteran and Wye College horticulture graduate Christopher Lloyd returned home as a young man to Great Dixter, the 57-acre English estate where he and his five siblings had been raised, he began what would become decades of experimentation…

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10 Factoids About Iris

From ancient Greek mythology to 19th-century art to today’s scientific analysis of anthocyanins, the breadth of Iris topics may surprise you. Here are 10 facts that we hope round out your view of these fascinating plants. 1 Iris is the…

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